• VS Code, Associate Jinja with HTML

    VS Code, Associate Jinja with HTML


    Using VS Code, go to your settings.json file and add the following within the {} brackets. Have you tried this approach or something similar? Leave a comment if this helped or if you have another approach.

  • Image Tag Cheat Sheet

    Image Tag Cheat Sheet


    Basic Usage Attributes Attribute Description src The path to the image file. alt The text to display if the image fails to load. width The width of the image in pixels. height The height of the image in pixels. title The text to display when the user hovers over the image. Example Notes

  • PDF to HTML

    PDF to HTML


    WSL, Ubuntu 20.05, command line, for “PDF to HTML.” Step by step. Here are the short instructions to convert a PDF to HTML using WSL with Ubuntu 20.04: That’s it!