Tag: CE9178

  • Relay Email via Amazon SES

    Relay Email via Amazon SES


    Issue I’d like to relay all my Ubuntu 22.04 email through Amazon SES. FYI Use at your own risk. Like seriously, do some research prior to implementing any of this into your own environment. Consider factors like costs, scalability, etc. Solution To relay all your email through Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) on an Ubuntu…

  • VS Code, Associate Jinja with HTML

    VS Code, Associate Jinja with HTML


    Using VS Code, go to your settings.json file and add the following within the {} brackets. Have you tried this approach or something similar? Leave a comment if this helped or if you have another approach.

  • Difference between String Concatenation and String Interpolation in Python
  • Difference between String Concatenation and String Interpolation

    Difference between String Concatenation and String Interpolation


    String concatenation and string interpolation are both methods used in programming to create a new string from existing strings. However, they differ in syntax and ease of use. Below, I’ll explain each with examples: String Concatenation String concatenation is the process of appending one string to the end of another string. This is typically done…