Jorge Saldívar
God ✝️, Family 👨👩👧👦, USA 🇺🇸, Web Dev 💻
Welcome to my blog (aka my public notepad)! I have a passion for computer science and for sharing what I am and have learned. All opinions are my own, read more…
Oklahoma City, OK
ActivityPub, Friends, and WP Code plugins
I’m trying out the ActivityPub and Friends WordPress plugins on this website. Also, using the WP Code plugin to add the following snippet of code, site wide.
RGVWEBPRO gets a facelift and a new purpose
Exciting times. RGVWEBPRO will return to the world of open source. It will no longer provide web hosting or sell domain names.
Solar Eclipse 2023
One of the real cool effects of a solar eclipse is when the partially blocked sun light shines through branches leaving this crescent light pattern. It’s the same concept as using a…
- Permission denied (publickey)
Issue: Resolution: The error message you’re seeing is typically related to SSH key authentication issues when trying to communicate with a GitHub repository. The steps to resolve this error and prevent it…
Simplifying My Life
I have uninstalled‘s WordPress instance and have 301 redirected to‘s domain. At first, the purpose of the two sites was to separate concerns, web design business and personal use. However,…
Getting a little fed up: I cannot easily share on WP
With the “death of Twitter,” and social media in general, I’d like to take back my content. It’s just not currently easy to share content to my blog.