Author: Jorge Saldivar

  • Red Dead Online

    Red Dead Redemption

    One of my absolute favorite online games…

    Red Dead Online
  • Ubuntu Multipass: How to modify an instance

    While instance properties can be determined at launch, some of them can be updated after the instance has been created. Specifically, an instance’s memory, disk space, and the number of its CPUs are exposed via daemon settings: local..(cpus|disk|memory).

  • Saturday morning vibe…

    Cleaning up some personal projects and performing some maintenance on some personal deployments.

  • Linux Commands Cheat Sheet

    Here’s a list of common commands along with their descriptions and usage examples:

    1. ls – List Directory Contents
      • Usage: ls [options] [directory]
      • Example: ls -l /home (lists all files in /home with detailed information)
    2. cd – Change Directory
      • Usage: cd [directory]
      • Example: cd /home/user/Documents (changes the current directory to /home/user/Documents)
    3. pwd – Print Working Directory
      • Usage: pwd
      • Example: pwd (displays the path of the current directory)
    4. cat – Concatenate and Display Files
      • Usage: cat [options] [file]
      • Example: cat file.txt (displays the content of file.txt)
    5. cp – Copy Files and Directories
      • Usage: cp [options] source destination
      • Example: cp file1.txt file2.txt (copies file1.txt to file2.txt)
    6. mv – Move or Rename Files and Directories
      • Usage: mv [options] source destination
      • Example: mv file1.txt /home/user/Documents (moves file1.txt to /home/user/Documents)
    7. rm – Remove Files or Directories
      • Usage: rm [options] file
      • Example: rm file.txt (removes file.txt)
    8. mkdir – Create a New Directory
      • Usage: mkdir [options] directory
      • Example: mkdir new_folder (creates a new directory named new_folder)
    9. rmdir – Remove Empty Directories
      • Usage: rmdir [options] directory
      • Example: rmdir old_folder (removes the directory old_folder if it’s empty)
    10. grep – Search Text Using Patterns
      • Usage: grep [options] pattern [file]
      • Example: grep "hello" file.txt (searches for the word “hello” in file.txt)
    11. find – Search for Files in a Directory Hierarchy
      • Usage: find [path] [options] [expression]
      • Example: find /home -name "file.txt" (finds all files named “file.txt” in /home)
    12. chmod – Change File Modes or Access Control Lists
      • Usage: chmod [options] mode file
      • Example: chmod 755 (sets the permission of to 755)
    13. chown – Change File Owner and Group
      • Usage: chown [options] owner[:group] file
      • Example: chown user:group file.txt (changes the owner of file.txt to ‘user’ and the group to ‘group’)
    14. tail – Output the Last Part of Files
      • Usage: tail [options] [file]
      • Example: tail -n 5 file.txt (displays the last 5 lines of file.txt)
    15. head – Output the First Part of Files
      • Usage: head [options] [file]
      • Example: head -n 5 file.txt (displays the first 5 lines of file.txt)
    16. man – Interface to the System Reference Manuals
      • Usage: man [command]
      • Example: man ls (displays the manual page for the ls command)

    This is just a basic set of commands, and there are many more commands and options in Linux. For detailed information and more commands, you can always use the man command followed by the command name to read the manual pages.

    Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
  • I’m already tired of the cold

    Give me heat, sunshine, and cold beer. 🍻🍺

    I’m already tired of the cold
  • Difference between String Concatenation and String Interpolation

    String concatenation and string interpolation are both methods used in programming to create a new string from existing strings. However, they differ in syntax and ease of use. Below, I’ll explain each with examples:

    String Concatenation

    String concatenation is the process of appending one string to the end of another string. This is typically done using the + operator.


    let firstName = "John";
    let lastName = "Doe";
    let age = 30;
    // Concatenating strings
    let greeting = "Hello, my name is " + firstName + " " + lastName + " and I am " + age + " years old.";
    // Output: "Hello, my name is John Doe and I am 30 years old."

    In this example, the + operator is used to join strings and variables. While this method is straightforward, it can become cumbersome and less readable, especially with longer strings or multiple variables.

    String Interpolation

    String interpolation, also known as template literals (or template strings) in JavaScript, allows embedding expressions within string literals. This is achieved using backticks (`) rather than quotes, and expressions are inserted using ${expression} syntax.


    let firstName = "John";
    let lastName = "Doe";
    let age = 30;
    // Using string interpolation
    let greeting = `Hello, my name is ${firstName} ${lastName} and I am ${age} years old.`;
    // Output: "Hello, my name is John Doe and I am 30 years old."

    In this example, the string is much easier to read and write. The ${} syntax is used to insert variables directly into the string. This method is particularly useful when dealing with dynamic content or variables, as it reduces the likelihood of errors and improves readability.

    Key Differences

    • Syntax: Concatenation uses the + operator, while interpolation uses backticks and ${}.
    • Readability and Ease of Use: Interpolation is often more readable and concise, especially with multiple variables or complex expressions.
    • Versatility: Interpolation can easily include expressions, not just variables. For example, ${firstName.toUpperCase()} would work seamlessly within a template literal.
    • Compatibility: Template literals (interpolation) are a feature of ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) and are not supported in some older browsers, whereas string concatenation is supported in virtually all JavaScript environments.

    In modern JavaScript development, string interpolation is generally preferred due to its readability and ease of use, especially when dealing with complex strings or multiple variables. However, understanding both methods is valuable, as concatenation is still widely used and has universal support.

    Difference between String Concatenation and String Interpolation
  • A tribute to Gaston Glock

    The inventor of the Glock has passed away.

    A tribute to Gaston Glock
  • I’m not argumentative 😎

    A warm thank you to my dear friends, Oscar and Jessica, for this Christmas gift.

    I’m not argumentative 😎
  • Google business profiles will be turned off soon…

    There are reasons why I don’t like using these free 3rd party services.

    Google business profiles will be turned off soon…