Author: Jorge Saldivar

  • Who is Larry Kenobi?


    Steve Obi-Wan Larry Kenobi is a Jedi junky responsible for the destruction of Saint Jabba’s Hospital For the Survivors of the Singularity Engine.

    Who is Larry Kenobi?
  • Joker: Folie a Deux

    Reading the reviews and oof… was it really that bad?

    Joker: Folie a Deux
  • Finally getting a chance to watch Invincible S2…

    … so far, not too impressed. The story telling is choppy. A lot of filler content with a thin story line.

  • MySQL CLI Quick Reference

    Connecting to MySQL

    • Login to MySQL:
      mysql -u username -p

    Prompts for a password.

    • Specify Database on Login:
      mysql -u username -p -D database_name

    Basic Commands

    • Show all databases:
    • Select a database:
      USE database_name;
    • Show all tables in the current database:
    • Describe the structure of a table:
      DESCRIBE table_name;
    • Show the current MySQL user:
      SELECT USER();
    • Show current database:
    • Show process list:
    • Show full process list (to see full queries):
    • Exit MySQL:

    CRUD Operations

    • Create a new database:
      CREATE DATABASE database_name;
    • Create a new table:
      CREATE TABLE table_name (
        name VARCHAR(100),
        age INT
    • Insert data into a table:
      INSERT INTO table_name (name, age) VALUES ('John', 30);
    • Select data from a table:
      SELECT * FROM table_name;
    • Update data in a table:
      UPDATE table_name SET age = 31 WHERE name = 'John';
    • Delete data from a table:
      DELETE FROM table_name WHERE name = 'John';
    • Drop a table:
      DROP TABLE table_name;

    Loading .sql Files

    To load and execute an SQL file that contains queries or database structure (e.g., schema.sql or data.sql):

    Method 1: From Inside the MySQL Prompt
    1. Open MySQL:
       mysql -u username -p
    1. Select the database you want to load the file into:
       USE database_name;
    1. Load the SQL file:
       SOURCE /path/to/your/file.sql;
    Method 2: Directly from the Command Line

    You can execute the SQL file directly from the command line without entering the MySQL prompt:

    mysql -u username -p database_name < /path/to/your/file.sql

    This method runs the .sql file directly into the specified database.

    Common Tips

    • View running MySQL queries:
      Use SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST; to view running queries, especially helpful for debugging long-running queries.
    • Check MySQL version:
    • Enable SQL logging:
      Use SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON'; to start logging all queries. To view the log, check the path from the following:
      SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'general_log_file';

    These commands and tips should help you navigate MySQL efficiently!

  • Things that will never die…

    PHP, Ubuntu Desktop, and WordPress… and I’m perfectly happy with that.

    Fight me.

  • Edging Ubuntu 24.04 on a Thumb Drive

    Trying out running Ubuntu on my mid-2015 MacBook Pro. Except for some quirks (and some lag, due to…well, the os being mounted from a thumb drive), it’s remarkably enjoyable.

  • Uninstall Chrome on Linux

    1. Open a terminal window.
      • On GNOME, Unity, and Cinnamon environments, press Ctrl + Alt + t.
      • On KDE environments, go to Application Menu System Konsole.
    2. Enter the uninstall command:
      • Debian-based systems: Enter sudo dpkg -r google-chrome-stable.
      • Other systems: Enter sudo rpm -e google-chrome-stable.
    3. When prompted, enter your computer’s password.


    Uninstall Chrome on Linux