UFW Cheatsheet

Here’s a comprehensive sudo ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall) cheatsheet for managing firewall rules on an Ubuntu server:

Basic UFW Commands

  • Enable UFW:
    sudo ufw enable
  • Disable UFW:
    sudo ufw disable
  • Check UFW Status:
    sudo ufw status
  • Use sudo ufw status verbose for detailed output.
  • Reset UFW (removes all rules and disables UFW):
    sudo ufw reset

Allowing Connections

  • Allow a Specific Port:
    sudo ufw allow <port>
  • Example: sudo ufw allow 22 (allows SSH)
  • Allow a Port with a Specific Protocol:
    sudo ufw allow <port>/<protocol>
  • Example: sudo ufw allow 80/tcp (allows HTTP)
  • Allow a Range of Ports:
    sudo ufw allow <start port>:<end port>/protocol
  • Example: sudo ufw allow 1000:2000/tcp
  • Allow Connections from a Specific IP:
    sudo ufw allow from <IP>
  • Example: sudo ufw allow from
  • Allow Connections from an IP to a Specific Port:
    sudo ufw allow from <IP> to any port <port>
  • Example: sudo ufw allow from to any port 22
  • Allow Subnet:
    sudo ufw allow from <subnet>
  • Example: sudo ufw allow from

Denying Connections

  • Deny a Specific Port:
    sudo ufw deny <port>
  • Example: sudo ufw deny 23 (denies Telnet)
  • Deny a Port with a Specific Protocol:
    sudo ufw deny <port>/<protocol>
  • Example: sudo ufw deny 80/tcp
  • Deny Connections from a Specific IP:
    sudo ufw deny from <IP>
  • Example: sudo ufw deny from

Deleting Rules

  • Delete a Rule by Rule Number:
    sudo ufw status numbered
  • Then use sudo ufw delete <rule number>
  • Delete an Allow Rule:
    sudo ufw delete allow <port>
  • Example: sudo ufw delete allow 22
  • Delete a Deny Rule:
    sudo ufw delete deny <port>
  • Example: sudo ufw delete deny 23

Advanced UFW Usage

  • Enable UFW Logging:
    sudo ufw logging on
  • off to disable logging.
  • Set Default Policies (Deny Incoming and Allow Outgoing):
    sudo ufw default deny incoming
    sudo ufw default allow outgoing
  • Set Default Policies (Allow Incoming and Deny Outgoing):
    sudo ufw default allow incoming
    sudo ufw default deny outgoing
  • Limit Connections (Rate Limiting):
    sudo ufw limit <port>
  • Example: sudo ufw limit ssh (limits SSH connections to prevent brute force attacks)
  • Allow Specific Service by Name:
    sudo ufw allow <service>
  • Example: sudo ufw allow OpenSSH
  • App Profiles (View Available Profiles):
    sudo ufw app list
  • Allow Application Profile:
    sudo ufw allow <app profile>
  • Example: sudo ufw allow 'Apache Full'

Checking UFW Status and Rules

  • Check UFW Status:
    sudo ufw status
  • Check UFW Status in Verbose Mode:
    sudo ufw status verbose
  • Check UFW Status with Rule Numbers:
    sudo ufw status numbered

Other Useful Commands

  • Reload UFW to Apply Changes:
    sudo ufw reload
  • Show Detailed Report:
    sudo ufw show raw
  • This displays the raw iptables rules used by UFW.

This cheatsheet covers common UFW commands and options, providing a solid reference for managing firewall settings on Ubuntu.

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