Month: November 2023

  • Credit Card Testing

    Credit Card Testing


    PayPal sandbox testing guide The PayPal sandbox is a self-contained, virtual testing environment that simulates the live PayPal production environment. The sandbox provides a shielded space where you can initiate and watch while your apps process PayPal API requests without touching any live PayPal accounts.

  • iOS 17 is out and a couple of things stick out

    iOS 17 is out and a couple of things stick out


    The first thing, the battery life took a hit (hopefully, there’s a fix for this asap). The second is the announcement of the upcoming Journal app. I’m curious if this can be synced to WordPress… hopefully there will be an app for that.

  • Update WordPress MySQL tables from old domain name to new domain name

    Update WordPress MySQL tables from old domain name to new domain name


    This code is typically used when migrating a WordPress site from one domain to another, ensuring that all references to the old domain are updated to the new domain.

  • Image Tag Cheat Sheet

    Image Tag Cheat Sheet


    Basic Usage Attributes Attribute Description src The path to the image file. alt The text to display if the image fails to load. width The width of the image in pixels. height The height of the image in pixels. title The text to display when the user hovers over the image. Example Notes

  • Omegle has shut down

    Omegle has shut down


    As the title states, Omegle has shut down.

  • Updated website to TT4

    Updated website to TT4


    I’m vibing on the updated default theme, Twenty Twenty-Four. Great job to the contributors!

  • Regex Cheat Sheet

    Regex Cheat Sheet


    Simple Examples Examples Quantifiers Character Classes Anchors Groups Flags Special Characters Lookarounds Unicode Categories POSIX Classes

  • Trex with feathers

    Trex with feathers


    I asked GPT-4 to generate an image of a tyrannosaurus rex with feathers like a chicken… it did not disappoint on the first image it created. Subsequent photos weren’t as impressive.