Establishing your own website or blog is not just a statement of independence, but a strategic move to ensure your voice is heard, unhindered by the whims of social media giants.
No matter what social media platform dominates the market, or who owns your favorite platform, the best method for anyone to get their message out is via their own website or blog. It’s never been easier to purchase a domain name, setup a web hosting service, and install a CMS like WordPress. After some configuration, the site is ready to go live.
Eventually, I may post an easy-to-use guide on how to launch your own personal website. But in the meantime, here’s a link to WordPress hosting suggestions by the folks at WordPress. Don’t wait, blog today!
Please note: this suggestion works well for individuals that need to get a message out, and not businesses. For that, I would recommend hiring a good cloud developer with a strong sense of cyber security.