Jorge Saldívar
God ✝️, Family 👨👩👧👦, USA 🇺🇸, Web Dev 💻
Welcome to my blog (aka my public notepad)! I have a passion for computer science and for sharing what I am and have learned. All opinions are my own, read more…
Oklahoma City, OK
In JavaScript, when is the target property used in a forEach() loop?
In JavaScript, the target property is not directly associated with a forEach() loop itself. However, when you’re using forEach() to iterate over a collection of DOM elements (like those obtained from document.querySelectorAll()),…
Who is Larry Kenobi?
Steve Obi-Wan Larry Kenobi is a Jedi junky responsible for the destruction of Saint Jabba’s Hospital For the Survivors of the Singularity Engine.
Finally getting a chance to watch Invincible S2…
… so far, not too impressed. The story telling is choppy. A lot of filler content with a thin story line.
MySQL CLI Quick Reference
Connecting to MySQL Prompts for a password. Basic Commands CRUD Operations Loading .sql Files To load and execute an SQL file that contains queries or database structure (e.g., schema.sql or data.sql): Method…
Things that will never die…
PHP, Ubuntu Desktop, and WordPress… and I’m perfectly happy with that. Fight me.
Edging Ubuntu 24.04 on a Thumb Drive
Trying out running Ubuntu on my mid-2015 MacBook Pro. Except for some quirks (and some lag, due to…well, the os being mounted from a thumb drive), it’s remarkably enjoyable.